Low feelings come in waves. As a person, I can happily say that I am reasonably mentally healthy. However, as many people do, I can experience a low around the transition period between winter and spring.
Although chilly, winter can be beautiful. The feeling that bubbles up into your chest as the first snowflakes of the year rain down, blanketing the earth with a comforting sheet of white. The satisfying “crunch” sound when you step in freshly fallen snow, the sound of laughing children as they fly down a hill on their toboggans or make their first snow-angel. These moments take you back to the most joyous moments of your childhood, from the very first breath of frost.
All that once flourished is crystalized, awaiting rebirth as the weather warms into spring. Spring is a colourful time of year, as flowers begin to bud and flower. The grass begins to green, and the sun warms. Animals come out of hibernation, and the world becomes alive again, however the transition between these seasons can be difficult. The months of March and April are gloomy and rainy. I can feel lethargic and tired in my day-to-day activities, perhaps because I cannot stop longing for the brighter season. I am more likely to be sad and stressed, and my overall outlook on life is quite negative, which is often never the case in the winter and spring months.
I have found that this thought process and lack of motivation, due to reduced sunlight and gloom can be turned around. My photographs depict the necessity to incorporate beauty, colour, activity, and light into my daily life. I have managed to find inspiration that has allowed me to thrive in this time of transition.